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Talk: Leila Sansour, Cathi Pawson and Honey Thaljieh

Saturday 3rd December, 2011, at 18:00

Film, Food and Football: Vehicles for Change in Palestine

Leila Sansour, founder and CEO of Open Bethlehem, presents and discusses footage from her latest film: The Road to Bethlehem. Cathi Pawson is the co-founder of Fairtrade company Zaytoun CIC, she will talk about the challenges and rewards of developing a marketplace for Palestinian produce. They will both be joined by Honey Thaljieh, the captain of the Palestinian International Woman’s Football team. After years of playing football with the boys but without a team to call her own, Honey Thaljieh spearheaded the effort to start the women’s team in 2003, and remains the side’s captain to this day. Honey will share the joys of football in Palestine, whilst touching upon the social, cultural and political hurdles that her and her team mates have faced in their bid to become a recognised team. Presented in partnership with the Bristol Festival of Ideas.

How to book

Tickets available through Watershed Box Office tel: 0117 9275100 or online at £6 Full / £ 5 Cons

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